Friday, August 7, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog. If you're here chances are that you are like me and want to learn more about money making opportunities online. I have been doing quite a bit of research over the last few months, and my goal is to pass on my knowledge to you. I will try to keep this blog updated quite frequently, as life permits, and any new information I come accross I'll be sure to throw it up here.

There are many factors regarding how you can make money online, and how successful you will be. Many might say that using a free blog host like blogger isn't the best way to go, but I'm determined to make this work. I've seen that people have had success with free hosting, and hope to follow in their footsteps. I would like to suggest to you though, that you remove any notions of getting rich quick or becoming some internet money making millionaire. Sure some people might get lucky, but for the rest of us, a lot of time, research and patience will be required. So far in my ventures of making money online I have only made a little over $5. There are things I could probably be doing that would get me further along, and yet I feel I've made quite a bit of progress. For now, only time will tell.

So once again, welcome, and thanks for coming by my blog about online money making.

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